


Embarking on a higher education pursuit from the US is a dream for many international students worldwide. With the rising cost of education and living expenses each intake, the University of Hawaii, Mānoa USA campus's East-West Center (EWC) Graduate Degree Fellowship 2024 []  offers a golden opportunity for students to gain a quality global education at an affordable cost. The prestigious scholarship program offers a fully funded opportunity to students not just from the United States, but also from the Asia and Pacific region. 

This fellowship is sponsored by the East-West Center and not only supports graduate education but also encourages community building, cultural exchange, and leadership development among students. The below paragraphs will provide you with a holistic view of the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship, and the information needed to apply to this prestigious financial grant. 

Key Fellowship Features 

The EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship is aimed at building a Vibrant Asia-Pacific Community. Some of its key features are- 

1. Educational Excellence: The East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship offers master's and doctoral funding for international students from Asia, the Pacific, and the United States to involve extensively in educational, cultural, residential community building, and leadership development programs. These initiatives are led at the East-West Center, while students simultaneously pursue their graduate study at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa (UHM). 

2. Cultural Exchange: The fundamental purpose of the East-West Center is to establish a deep-rooted sense of Asia-Pacific community, with graduate student fellows living together and interacting with each other in both intellectual and social activities, preparing them for future leadership roles. 

3. Community Building and Leadership Development: This includes team-building activities, leadership development projects, internships, learning about the Asia Pacific region, cultural exchange, educational enrichment gatherings, community service, and service-learning projects, allowing fellow graduates to develop lifelong friendships with a network of people committed to positive change in the Asia Pacific region.

EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship program: What does it cover?

The most attractive aspect of the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship is the financial package provided to selected students. This package includes the following - 

1. Tuition and Fees: The program covers the cost of general tuition and fees for UHM graduate programs, providing a significant financial assistance to deserving candidates.

2. Academic Materials: Funding is provided for books and materials required for academic studies.

3. Residential Accommodation: Selected students/fellows are made to stay at the comfortable housing in an East-West Center dormitory, allowing them to live and interact in a cross-cultured environment.

Selected fellows who are not married, or are married but do not have any children under the age of 18 accompanying them, are needed to live in the dormitories located at the Center. 

However, on-campus housing is not available for those with minor dependent children, and they must find accommodation off-campus. (Please note that keeping pets in dormitories is not allowed)

4. Meals: Partial funding towards meals is included in the package as well.

5. Health Insurance: Comprehensive health insurance coverage ensures the well-being of resident fellows.

6. Incidental Expenses: Support is extended for various incidental expenses.

7. Additional Funding: Competitive opportunities exist for field study and conference attendance, further enriching the student learning experience.  

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. Here are the essential requirements:

1. Citizenship: Applicants must be citizens of one of the following countries or regions:

United States

Pacific Region: Including nations like Fiji, Australia, and Samoa.

Southeast Asia: Nations such as Cambodia, Malaysia, and Thailand.

South Asia: Covering countries such as India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

East Asia: Including nations like China, Japan, and South Korea.

The full list of all the eligible countries for the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship program can be accessed via the following link

2. Academic Credentials

Applicants should have successfully obtained a 4-years bachelor's degree or its equivalent from an accredited US academic institution, or from a recognized higher education institution from the eligible regions/countries. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent is required in the final four semesters or six quarters of your undergraduate studies and in all your post-baccalaureate coursework.

3. English Language Proficiency:

Proof of English language proficiency is typically demonstrated through IELTS or TOEFL scores. However, exceptions may apply if the applicant has completed their studies in an English-speaking country or received a degree from such an institution within the past five years.

The English Language proficiency scores are equivalent to those accepted by the University of Hawaii at the time of admission to your desired graduate level coursework. If you are applying to the university and are required to provide official TOEFL or IELTS scores:

A minimum TOEFL score of 79 is required by the center for application.

For IELTS (academic test), a total band score of 6.5 is necessary.

4. Copy of passport biodata page mandatory for international applicants applying for the graduate fellowship

5.  Other Supporting Documents

These include – 

A copy of your Resume elaborating on your key academic, professional, and co-curricular  milestones. 

Details of three references 

A copy of the Statement of Objectives submitted along with the University of Hawaii application

For a comprehensive understanding of the eligibility criteria, refer to the official EWC website – 

1. Apply Now- EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship

2.     FAQs EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship


Navigating the Application Process

The application process for the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship is well-structured. To apply for the same, follow these steps:

1. Online Application: Initiate your application for the EWC Fellowship from the link below before the application deadline of December 1, 2023.

Application link

Confirmation of UH application submission is required for prospective students seeking admission to this graduate fellowship. 

Important Notice: In the event of a delay in obtaining proof of your UH application submission, you have the option to upload a brief statement confirming that you have applied to the university. You can also specify that you will email the proof of application as soon as it becomes accessible. 

Please note that without either the proof of UH application submission or the explanatory note, you will not be able to submit your fellowship application.

2. University of Hawaii Application: Simultaneously, submit a separate application to the University of Hawaii by the same December 1 deadline.

Application link -

3. Document Submission: Ensure all supporting documents for both your UH admissions office and department applications are completed and submitted by January 10, 2023.

4. Timely Application: Note that the University of Hawaii launches its online application system on August 1 each year for admissions the following year. Do not miss the application deadline of December 1, and the documentation deadline of January 10. 

Detailed FAQs regarding the entire Graduate Degree Fellowship process can be found here -


In conclusion, the EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship 2024 in the USA is a great opportunity for international students. This fully funded program not only supports your academic journey but also fosters a sense of community, cultural exchange, and leadership development. By meeting the eligibility criteria and navigating the application process, you can unlock a world of possibilities at the University of Hawaii, Mānoa campus. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity.

For application details and to explore this incredible opportunity further, visit the official EWC Graduate Degree Fellowship 2024 website today –
